1024 Alert 1025 Ctrl+%s 1026 Print File 1027 Unable to start print job 1028 All Files 1029 Debug Str 1030 Could not find or open ASIPORT.RSR 1031 Shift+Ctrl+%s 1033 Could not find or open %s 1034 All files (*.*) 1280 R 1281 P&rint Setup... 1282 X 1283 E&xit 2048 Initialization Error 2049 Windows version must be 3.0 or higher. 2050 CPU must be Intel 386 or higher. 2051 Windows must be in enhanced and protected mode. 2054 Not enough free memory to run 4D Engine. 2056 Problem during initialization. 4D Engine cannot be run. 2177 4D.HLP 2200 More... 2500 Quit